Friday, 13 March 2015

Almond Soup

Almond Soup

In the days of childhood when my grandmother use to force you to eat 2-3 almonds every day.

Almonds are foods "brain-friendly" as they help to improve its function. Now we're going to make a rich and tasty soup made does wonders for your brain.

Stay: 10 minutes

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Serve - 4 Members

Nutritional information per serving

Energy 113 calories

Protein  3.5 grams 

Carbohydrates - 6.4 grams

Fat - 7.1 grams

Football - 110.9 mg

Ingredients needed

15 to 20 almonds (badam)

4 cups white stock

2 tablespoons butter

1 tablespoon flour (Maida)

Three fourth cup warm milk

3-4 drops almond essence

salt to taste

2 tablespoon of fresh cream

Method of Cooking

Soak the almonds in hot water for 10 minutes, drain and remove the skin.

Keep 2-3 almonds aside and blend the remaining in a blender until smooth with a little 'stock.

Cut the remaining flaked almonds and bake until crisp. Keep aside.

Add the almond paste prepared to stock white and mix well. Keep aside.

Heat the butter in a deep skillet pan, add the flour and cook on low heat for 5 minutes, stirring constantly, making sure the flour does not discolor.

Add the almond paste and remaining white stock, stir well and bring to a boil, stirring constantly while.

Add milk, almond essence, salt and pepper, mix well and cook for 5 minutes.

Add cream and mix well. Serve immediately garnished conscaglie almond.

This soup will help in your health in many ways, as

Reduce the risk of heart attack.

They lower cholesterol 'bad'.

It protects the artery walls from damage.

Almonds help build strong bones and teeth.

They provide healthy fats and aid in weight loss

Almonds are found in places like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Jordan and Israel.

This highly nutritious nut is a rich source of vitamin E, calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium.

It therefore contains zinc, selenium, copper and niacin. Compared to all other nuts, almonds are rich in nutrients and beneficial components.

Almonds improve the movement of food through the colon, thereby preventing the accumulation and subsequent offer of colon cancer.

The National Cancer Center has done extensive research on the link between a diet high in fiber and a reduced risk of colon cancer.

We combine 2 cups of chopped mixed vegetables (potatoes, onions, squash and cabbage) with 5 cups of water and cook for 3 or 4 pressure whistles, blend until smooth and strain. You will get 4 cups of white broth, use as required.

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